About Us

Hello, I'm so glad you're here! My name is Courtney and I live in Granbury, TX. I am a full-time working mom of 2 kiddos who is taking a leap to follow some of my dreams. I've wanted to be a business owner for as long as I can remember but have always had a full-time job and not much time to put into starting something new, especially when my children were younger. I love jewelry and helping others, so now that my kiddos are a bit older (one in middle school and one in elementary), I've found a *tad* more free time and here we are!

Mod Pearl Jewelry Co. is a boutique-style shop that sources items from different merchants. I also hope to create some of my own jewelry designs at some point in the not-so-distant future. Exciting things to come! 

About Our Vendors

Quality products, customer service, and giving back are very important to me so I am very selective about which companies I choose to work with. Mod Pearl Jewelry Co. offers items from vendors whose jewelry is made of high-quality materials meant to be worn and loved for a long time; most pieces are also waterproof or water-resistant. Some of our partners also offer warranties (see Warranty info at the bottom of our Home page).  

Giving Back

In addition to pursuing this venture as a creative outlet and a way to help women feel empowered and beautiful, I wanted to find a way to give back to my local community. I have partnered with Willow Mark Therapy (WM), an organization that has helped me and some of my family members find strength through some of life's hardest challenges.

WM is growing quickly and finding new ways to enrich our community by not only providing individual and group therapy, but also offering classes on various topics such as career, meditation, art/creativity, food & nutrition, and mindfulness in addition to book club meetings. One goal of these classes is to facilitate connection and friendships, something many of us crave in our busy lives but have little time to pursue.

 As a way to give back to WM's growing mission and help support my community, 10% of net profits from Mod Pearl Jewelry Co. will go to Willow Mark Therapy. I'm so happy about this partnership and excited to have this opportunity to make a difference, no matter how big or small! If you are interested in more information about WM, click here.

I love to work with vendors who give back as well. Brenda Grands gives 10% of profits to missions around the world including a non-profit mental health organization, Stay Here. When you purchase from Mod Pearl, you are also supporting these missions and making a difference. All BG products are hand-made in Houston, TX.